I'm a Women's Health & Exercise Specialist based in Hitchin Hertfordshire.

Following a degree and various qualifications in Biology and sport, I started out over 20 years ago - working in the fitness industry as a PT, based both in Singapore and London.

My aim has always been to help women feel stronger and more confident throughout motherhood to menopause. 

During the first 15 years of my career, I specialised mostly in postnatal recovery - exercise rehabilitation for diastasis recti and pelvic floor dysfunctions. 

I'm now in my mid forties. Since having premature ovarian insufficiency aged 40, I've been navigating my own holistic journey, using diet and exercise to manage dimished hormone levels.

I wanted to share this information and help more menopausal ladies like myself, so re educated - first via Burrell Education (3rd Age Women qualification) and more recently with The Menopause Movement.

I now provide 1:1 tuition, group classes and workshops for peri - post menopausal ladies. I cover core & pelvic floor strength, mobility & strength training, alongside dietary strategies to help reduce sarcopenia and help with weight management.




Women's Health + Exercise Specialist
Hitchin, Hertfordshire