Being a Menopause & Movement Coach

How one of our a Movement and Menopause Coaches is educating women about the benefits of high-intensity training and offering support and guidance during perimenopause.

Being a Menopause & Movement Coach

The personalised approach to menopause coaching

As well as being a seasoned competitor in 15 triathlons and iron woman events, and the host of The Everyday Healthy Human Podcast, Jen Rulon firmly believes in supporting women transitioning into menopause, guiding them to become a healthier version of themselves. Recently, she shared her insights and philosophy with us all the way from her base in Costa Rica.

Addressing the concerns surrounding exercise during menopause, Jen advocates for a personalised approach. With 45%of women expressing reservations about starting to exercise during this phase, it's essential to find activities that suit individual preferences. Whether it's walking, dance lessons, or strength aerobics, discovering joy in movement is key. Jen suggests starting with a simple step-tracking tool to kickstart the journey towards a more active lifestyle.

From a coaching perspective, Jen emphasises the importance of transitioning to a strength-based approach for menopausal women. As muscle mass naturally declines with age, preserving muscle becomes crucial for overall health. While women may worry about bulking up, Jen explains that targeted strength training helps maintain muscle mass, leading to a leaner appearance and improved metabolism.

When starting conversations about high-intensity training (HIT) with women, Jen offers valuable insights. By highlighting the health benefits, such as weight management, boosted energy levels, and reduced risk of age-related health issues, women can understand the positive impact of incorporating HIT into their fitness routines.

To address concerns about bulking up, Jen suggests: 

·     Explaining basic exercise physiology: Women have lower levels of testosterone compared to men, which makes it difficult for them to bulk up like men do. Testosterone is a key hormone in muscle growth, and women naturally have less of it, resulting in leaner muscle development.


·     Highlighting benefits of muscle building: Building muscle contributes to a leaner appearance, improved metabolism, and better overall functional fitness. Muscles are metabolically active tissues that burn more calories at rest, aiding in weight management. Additionally, increased muscle mass can enhance strength and endurance, improving daily activities and athletic performance.


·     Providing examples: Share success stories of women who have incorporated high-intensity training without gaining excessive muscle mass. These women have achieved toned and lean physiques while reaping the benefits of increased strength and fitness. By showcasing real-life examples, you can illustrate that high-intensity training can sculpt the body without adding bulk.

Fostering support to encourage movement and exercise in menopause

Finally, Jen encourages a personalised approach, stressing the importance of tailoring workouts to individual preferences and goals. By fostering a supportive environment and framing conversations positively, women can feel empowered and motivated to embrace high-intensity training as part of their fitness journey.

By educating women about the benefits of high-intensity training and offering support and guidance during perimenopause and menopause, Jen's values align closely with the Menopause Movement's mission to empower fitness and health professionals in assisting women through this transitional phase with confidence and vitality.

If you’d like to hear more, watch our Using Strength as a Superpower in Menopause webinar with Jen.

February 2024



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